What is Autism?
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today.
To contain the spread of COVID-19, one of the most effective methods is to ensure people leave their homes as little as possible. Unfortunately, that means most non-essentials businesses and work avenues remain closed during these times. However, essential work like grocery stores, banks, fuel stations and law enforcement remains open. These people are at higher risk as they have to go out and interact with other people and share spaces. It is important to keep ourselves, our colleagues and the people we serve in these businesses safe from COVID-19.

Employers and employees should follow these guidelines and make sure they are enforced at all times during work hours.
- Only essential staff should be required to come into the office. All non-essential staff should remain at home. This might mean that people and businesses have to work smarter in order to have the minimum staff coming in.
- If you have a desk job, make sure your desks of workspaces are at a distance of at least 4ft which is according to social distancing guidelines.
- If you have a desk job, make sure your desks of workspaces are at a distance of at least 4ft which is according to social distancing guidelines.
- Face masks and gloves should be given to all employees who are working with customers directly or in close proximity
- Customers should be kept at least 4ft apart in lines and allowed to enter stores only in small batches at a time and wearing protective equipment.
- Make sure you follow the news to see which areas are affected in your city. Ask people coming from those areas to stay at home till the situation clears and get tested.
- Try to eliminate all face to face meetings. If there is a need for one, make sure it includes as few people as possible and with proper spacing between seats.
- Anybody feeling sick should be immediately sent home, tested and cleared before anybody can be allowed inside the office again.
These rules must be followed carefully and attention must be paid at all times to notice any signs of trouble from within or outside the office space. The working of essential businesses is key during these troubling times to help people staying at home have their basic needs fulfilled and to keep the country's economy afloat.