Exceptional times call for exceptional individuals to rise to the occasion. This page is dedicated to such individuals. Doctors remain at the frontline of this battle but there are thousands of heroes amongst the Pakistani population which has the spirit of generosity and sacrifice for the sake of others instilled within their roots.
We aim to feature more heroes so if you have a story to tell us, do let us know at hello@assisted.pk and we can spread more inspiration around.
Dr Usama Riaz
The first doctor to lay down his life for the good of others during a pandemic the country wasn't prepared for. Dr Usama, aged just 26, has received countless honours for his service in fighting the battle against COVID-19 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Dr Abdul Qadir Soomro
The severity of the COVID-19 outbreak in Sindh did not deter Dr Soomro from being on the frontlines. He served without fail at Al-Khidmat Hospital and contracted the virus treating patients. With a career dedicated to his patients, notable figures including the President mourned the loss of Dr Soomro.

Dr Muhammad Javed
Fighting against the COVID-19 spread in Khyber-Pakhtunkhuwa, Dr. Javed worked at the Hayatabad Medical Complex which catered to the largest number of patients in the province. He contracted the virus while working with patients. He also received the highest civilian award for his bravery.

Corona Aid Pakistan
Collects donations and distributes ration to the needy families with the help of other Lums' students.

Saylani Welfare
Taking registrations on their helpline for home delivery of rations to follow lock-down measures.

Dr Hafiz Sanaullah
Bathed and led the funeral prayer of a COVID-19 victim when no one was coming forward.

Waqar Kharal
Infected in line of duty while handling people at the funeral prayer of the first Corona victim at Manga.

Youth Action Pakistan
Distributing free masks & soaps in Mangal Bazar and did awareness sessions about Coronavirus.
Do you know someone who is working in these turbulent times to fight COVID-19? Then share their stories with us.
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